/* Theme Name: vdperanto Description: A Business theme ideal for creating a corporate or business website. Vdperanto is a child theme of BusiProf WordPress Theme with a white background. Vdperanto is available in different locales. Theme URI: https://webriti.com/vdperanto-details-page/ Author: webriti Author URI: https://www.webriti.com Template: busiprof Version: 1.24 Tags: one-column, two-columns, full-width-template, threaded-comments, right-sidebar, custom-menu, sticky-post, translation-ready, featured-images, blog, theme-options, portfolio, photography, education, footer-widgets, e-commerce, news Text Domain: vdperanto */ .txt-color, .service .post:hover .entry-header .entry-title > a, .other-service .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .portfolio-tabs li.active > a, .portfolio-tabs li > a:hover, .portfolio .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .paginations span.current, .page-breadcrumb > li a:hover, .page-breadcrumb > li a:focus,.page-breadcrumb > li a, .home-post .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .testimonial-scroll .author-name, .home-post .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .site-content .post .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .entry-meta a:hover, .entry-meta a:focus, .fn, .datetime:hover, .datetime:focus, .reply a, .reply a:hover, .reply a:focus, .widget table tbody a:hover, .widget table #next a:hover, .widget table #next a:focus, .widget table #prev a:hover, .widget table #prev a:focus, .tagcloud a:hover, .tagcloud a:focus, .footer-sidebar .tagcloud a:hover, .footer-sidebar .tagcloud a:focus, .widget .widget-tabs li.active > a, .widget .widget-tabs li > a:hover, .footer-sidebar .widget .widget-tabs li.active > a, .footer-sidebar .widget .widget-tabs li > a:hover, .widget .post .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .footer-sidebar .widget .post .entry-header .entry-title > a:hover, .footer-sidebar .widget p a, .footer-sidebar .widget p a:hover, .site-info p a:hover, .site-info p a:focus { color: #2997ab; } .widget table tbody a:focus { border: 1px solid #2997ab; } .avatar .tooltip.top .tooltip-arrow { border-top-color: #2997ab; } .paginations span.current, .btn-wrap a:hover, .btn-wrap a, .testi-next:hover, .testi-prev:hover, .avatar .tooltip-inner, .widget table caption, .widget table tbody a{ background-color: #2997ab; } .btn-wrap a:hover { background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #2997ab, #2997ab); } .btn-wrap a:hover { opacity: 0.9; } .btn-wrap a { background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #2997ab, #2997ab); box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #2997ab; } .flex-btn:hover, .flex-btn:focus, .flex-btn { background-color: #2997ab; }